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Huron-Kinloss Dog Tag Form

Please fill out this form if you require a new dog tag or no longer require a dog tag (dog has passed away or been re-homed). If you have received an invoice to renew your dog licence, this form is not required (unless you need a replacement dog tag) you can simply use one of the payment options below to renew your licence.
This form will not be processed until payment is received. Payment for the dog tag can be done by e-transfer, mail or in-person. New dog tags will be mailed out upon receipt of payment. 


Please email The Township uses automatic deposit for accepting e-transfers, please add your mailing address to the message section when sending an e-transfer. This will ensure your payment is added to the proper account. 


Please mail your payment (cheque only) to:
PO Box 130
Ripley, ON
N0G 2R0 

Drop-off Box

Payments can be dropped off to the Municipal Office located at:
21 Queen St. Ripley ON
Please only leave cheques in the drop-box 


If you are purchasing a new dog tag the fee is $25.00.
For current registered dogs, the cost is $25 prior to March 01.
  • There is a 1.25% late penalty fee applied monthly after March 01.
  • A replacement dog tag may be purchased for $10.00 if original is lost or damaged. 
Is your civic address the same as your mailing address?
Dog's Sex
Is your dog:
Reason for completing this form (choose all that apply)
Do you need a second dog tag?

Privacy of Information

The information supplied is for use by the Township of Huron-Kinloss and will not be sold or distributed without consent. The personal information collected will be used by the Township of Huron-Kinloss to administer Dog Tag Licensing. The collection and disclosure of the information is governed by Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), 1990. For more information or questions about the collection of information, contact 519-395-3735.


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